Design & Analysis of Algorithms


An algorithm is a set of steps of operations to solve a problem performing calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning tasks. An algorithm is an efficient method that can be expressed within finite amount of time and space. An algorithm is the best way to represent the solution of a particular problem in a very simple and efficient way. If we have an algorithm for a specific problem, then we can implement it in any programming language, meaning that the algorithm is independent from any programming languages.

The notes of Design & Analysis of Algorithm below include following topics:

  • Introduction to DAA

  • Time & Space Complexity

  • Analyzing the algorithms

  • Back tracking

  • Dynamic programming

  • Huffman Coding

Dynamic programming.pdf

Dynamic Programming

Huffman & P, NP.pdf

Huffman Coding

Analysing The Algorithms.pdf

Analyzing the algorithms




Introduction to DAA

The Greedy Method.pdf

Greedy Method